안녕"들" 하십니까?  오랫만에 인사 드립니다.
그 동안 계속 보기만 하였는데 미주 방문 열정이
하나도 안 식은 것 같아서, 미국 냄새가 구수하게나는
설문 조사를 하나 해볼까 합니다.  colloquial expression에요...
What's Your Flirting Style?

1) You see someone whom you find extremely attractive in the store.

   a) smile and hope that you see him or her again.
   b) do nothing, then kick yourself on the ride home.
   c) follow him or her around the store, and when noticed, flash'em a coy smile and a wink.
   d) think of an opening line, then walk up to him or her and test it out.

2) You're attracted to a good friend. You're both single now. You call him or her up and:

   a) make a date to catch up on your lives.
   b) say hi and see what happens.
   c) do nothing -- you don't want to risk it.
   d) suggest dinner at a romantic restaurant.

3) You go to a party alone and only know a few people. You:
   a) seek out the people you know.
   b) chitchat your way to a bar, then smilingly wind your way to the food.
   c) get a drink and wait for someone to talk to you.
   d) find someone who looks interesting and start a conversation.

4) It's Saturday night. If you had your choice of plans, you'd rather:
   a) stay home and read a good book.
   b) invite a friend over to watch some videos.
   c) go to a big party.
   d) have a hot date planned three days ago.

5) An attractive person comes up to you while you're reading on the bus and
    says, "That's a fascinating book. Do you like it?" You say:

   a) "It's OK. I'll let you know after I've read it."
   b) "So far I love it. You must have great taste!"
   c) "Yes," with a hint of a smile on your face.
   d) "Not really," and start reading again.

6) You see the same person walking to the train every morning on the way to work.
    You chat about mundane things, then get on the train and sit separately each time.
    To change habits, the next day you:
   a) sit closer to him or her on the train.
   b) say, "Hey, wanna grab a drink after work today?"
   c) talk about the weather.
   d) give him or her a business card with your home number on it and say, "Call me sometime."

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