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가주는 정말 "웃기는 짬뽕(a new version recently created by The Greatest Huh)" 입니다요.

특히 NyongJa 소녀님! 사무실 근처에서 세차하지 마세요...
California 에서 실제로 적용되는 법규 입니다...

• A city ordinance states that a $500 fine will be given to anyone who detonates a nuclear
device within city limits.
• Alhambra: You cannot leave your car on the street overnight without the proper permit.
• Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
• Arcadia: Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.
• Baldwin Park: Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
• Bathhouses are against the law.
• Belvedere City Council order reads: "No dog shall be in a public place without its master
on a leash."
• Blythe: You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.
• Burlingame: It is illegal to spit, except on baseball diamonds;
  Carmel Ice cream may not be eaten while standing on the sidewalk. (Repealed when Clint
   Eastwood was mayor);
  Women may not wear high heels while in the city limits.
• Chico: Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits results in a $500 fine.
• Community leaders passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try and stop a child
  from playfully jumping over puddles of water.

• Downey: It is illegal to wash your car in the street. (Passed 1995).

• Giving or receiving oral sex is prohibited.
• Hollywood: It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard
  at one time.
• In 1930, the City Council of Ontario passed an ordinance forbidding roosters to crow
  within the city limits.
• In an animal shelter, lizards and snakes are treated under the same guidelines as cats and dogs.
• In Baldwin Park, California nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
• In California it is illegal to have caller ID
• In California you may not set a mouse trap without a hunting license.
• In California, animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or  
  place of worship.

• In Los Angeles a man is legally entitled to beat his wife with a leather belt or strap, but the belt can't be wider than 2 inches, unless he has his wife's consent to beat her with a wider strap. Consent should be given prior to the event, as is carefully stipulated.-> 정말 짬뽕 같습니다...

• In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
• In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.
• It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target
  is a whale.
• It is illegal to cry on the witness stand.
• It is illegal to drive more than two thousand sheep down Hollywood Boulevard at one time.

• It is illegal to eat an orange in your bath tub-> 잡숫지 마세요...

• It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner.
• It is illegal to set a mouse trap without a hunting license.
• Lafayette: You are forbidden to spit on the ground within 5 feet of another person.
• Lodi: It is illegal to own or sell "Silly String".
• Lompoc: It is illegal to posses, own or raise roosters. This is considered disturbing the peace.
• Long Beach: Cars are the only item allowed in a garage; It is illegal to curse on a mini-golf
• Los Angeles law forbids hunting moths under a street light.
• Los Angeles: It is illegal to cry on the witness stand;
Toads may not be licked;
  It is a crime for dogs to mate within 500 yards of a church (Breaking this law is punishable
  by a fine of $500 and/or six months in prison);
  Zoot suits are prohibited.
• Many animals are illegal to own as pets, including snails, sloths, and elephants.
• No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
• Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.
• Ontario: Roosters may not crow in the city limits.
• Pacific Grove: Molesting butterflies can result in a $500 fine.
• Palm Springs: It is illegal to walk a camel down Palm Canyon Drive between the hours of four
  and six PM.
• Pasadena: It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss.
• Prunedale: Two bathtubs may not be installed in the same house.
• Redlands: Motor vehicles may not drive on city streets unless a man with a lantern is wallking
  ahead of it.
• Riverside: One may not carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o'clock.
• San Diego: It is illegal to shoot jackrabbits from the back of a streetcar;
  The owners of houses with Christmas lights on them past February second may be fined
   up to $250.
• San Francisco is said to be the only city in the nation to have ordinances guaranteeing
  sunshine to the masses.
• San Francisco: Prohibits elephants from strolling down Market Street unless they are on a leash;
  It is illegal to wipe one's car with used underwear;
  Persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down any street; ->이럴수가...

  It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner;
  Giving or receiving oral sex is prohibited.

• San Jose: It is illegal to have more than two cats or dogs. -Ord. 7.08.595
• Santa Monica: You may not play percussion instruments on the beach.
• Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.
• Temecula: Ducks have the right of way to cross Rancho California St. at all times.
• The Chico, California, City Council enacted a ban on nuclear weapons, setting a $500 fine for
   anyone detonating one within city limits.

• Women may not drive in a house coat.-> 부부 싸움 직후에는 용서된다는 법으로 개정 되었슴.