
이번에는 아주 산뜻한 Puzzle 을 남가주 소녀에게 바칩니다...

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There lived two Satyrs who have been continuously disrupting
a small peaceful town by killing many girls every year after rape.

Unfortunately in this town a lot of pretty and cute young girls
who are mostly going to Inil Girl’s High School.

Teachers reported this serious problem but no one could help.

Rather than being killed in more numbers, which will of course
incur more casualties, both Satyrs and the representative of
this town agreed to sacrifice a girl once a year to these devils.

Every young and innocent girl should be victimized by turns to
save other remaining people in the town.

Once you’re chosen, you will be sent to Satyrs and have to give
a statement which should be a very correct one, otherwise you
will be eaten up immediately by either one of them.

One Satyr only knows and understands the truth and the other, only
the false. They will get together and judge whether your statement
is true or false.

If your statement would be true, then “Satyr of truth” will eat you up.
And if false, then “Satyr of False” will kill you.

Now you’re to give them a Statement to survive and save other lives.
For instance, “No one knows whether the egg comes first or the hen
comes first”. This is a very true statement and you’ll be eaten up
by the “Satyr of Truth”.

If you would give a statement like, “My husband doesn’t loves me
Anymore!”. Then this is obviously wrong, so you will be eaten up
by the “Satyr of False”.

If your statement is vague like “Bush will become the President of
The United States of America one more time”. Then this could be
either true or false. So, either one of these two Satyrs will eat you
up eventually.

Now it’s your turn. Can you, a proud graduate of smart InIl Girl’s
High School survive ???

Hint) Please remember that a statement could be either an
affirmative or a negative one, but not an interrogative one.

Have a fun !!!