Hello NyongJa,

I've been in the deepest sorrow since I stopped by your website this afternoon.

Today, I spent most of my afternoon working hours in the saddest mood beacuse of
my initiative, not because of your novel conception which really astonished me and
finally got me intoxicated,

Please accept my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... And enjoy a fun puzzle which you haven't tasted
for over a last few weeks. Have a Fun !!!

From Chang-Ho


The senior class at In-Il Girl’s High School has sometimes been known
well to play little pranks mostly led by notorious NyongJa.

One fine fall day a current senior observed that there were 29 lockers
at In-Il Girl’s High School. Those lockers are placed in orders under
the names like the following.

Locker No. 01   ; BuyongE.
Locker No. 02   ; Gionrye.
Locker No. 03   ; NyongJa.
Locker No. 04   ; Shinoug.
Locker No. 05   ; Sookee.

Locker No. 06   ; Ihnoug.
Locker No. 07   ; Myunghee.
Locker No. 08   ; Tschwilhwa.
Locker No. 09   ; NyongSun.
Locker No. 10   ; JouHae.

Locker No. 11   ; YoungMee.
Locker No. 12   ; JaeOak.
Locker No. 13   ; MyungOak.
Locker No. 14   ; SoonJia.
Locker No. 15   ; SungNan.

Locker No. 16   ; Nansook.
Locker No. 17   ; MyungIhn.
Locker No. 18   ; JiongShim.
Locker No. 19   ; SeungShim.
Locker No. 20   ; IhnSook.

Locker No. 21   ; SouHyeon.
Locker No. 22   ; MyungSyon.
Locker No. 23   ; BhoKee.
Locker No. 24   ; DukHee.
Locker No. 25   ; NyongHee.

Locker No. 26   ; JheeSun.
Locker No. 27   ; NamHee.
Locker No. 28   ; MoonJiu.
Locker No. 29   ; KyungnimE.

The prank began at dawn one morning with the 1st senior prankster,
BuyongE walking through the school and opening every locker.

The second senior prankster, Gionrye followed and closed every 2nd

Senior prankster #3, NyongJa rushed in next and reversed every
3rd locker (opening those that were closed and closing those that
were open).

Senior prankster #4, Shinoug followed reversing every 4th locker;
and so on, and so on, and so on.

Senior prankster #5, SooKee did the same thing at every 6th. too

As you understood, if all 29 pranksters continued in this pattern;
Whose lockers remained OPEN at the end of the day.
