안녕하세요? 너무 많은 기쁨조 활동에 혹시 잠 안오시면
심심 풀이로 풀어 보세요... 재미있을 거에요.

(Who's doing what)

Five Southern California Young girls are getting along well together while sharing
and enjoying their happy lives – BuyongE, Gionrye, Nyongja, Shinoug, and Sookee
(in Alphabet orders).
Each one has a different hobby – Cooking, Eating-only, Gardening, Volunteering,
and Singing. Though they are getting together quite often to eat Lobsters and
Alaskan King Crabs they are also paying serious attention to keep their bodies
in shape individually – Aerobics, Jogging, Swimming, Golfing, and Tennis, which
are well being supported financially by their boyfriends, John, Oscar, Earl, Ernie,
and Marvin.
From the clues given below, you are to determine each Californian young girl’s
boyfriend, sports, and hobby respectively.

Clue 1) A girl whose hobby is Gardening, another girl who plays Tennis every
weekend, Earl’s girlfriend, and Sookee have never missed whenever Shinoug,
a good–looking girl, has an Aerobic Competition Match twice a year.

Clue 2) Neither Gionrye nor Nyongja is an Oscar’s girl friend or the one who
goes to No-Rae-Bang for Singing practice almost everyday, but one of them
is Jogging everyday.

Clue 3) Sookee and a girl who goes for Swimming everyday had Jja-Jang-Myon
Lunch with a Volunteer and later on met Gionrye after dating her boyfriend Ernie.

Clue 4) A good Jogger, the Volunteer, and Gionrye all live in Orange County,
Whereas BuyongE and a professional-like Singer live near San Diego.

Clue 5) A girl who loves cooking really fascinated Ernie and became friends.

Clue 6) A girl who loves taking care of flowers is not swimming at all. She is no
More a friend of Marvin.

Now are you guys pretty much ready? Let’s go!!!

[Answer Sheet]

Please answer in orders of Boyfriend’s Name, Sports, and Hobby.
BuyongE        : (______________), (_______________), (______________)
Gionrye        : (______________), (_______________), (______________)
Nyongja        : (______________), (_______________), (______________)
Shinoug        : (______________), (_______________), (______________)
Sookee        : (______________), (_______________), (______________)

With Best wishes and Good Luck !

위의 등장 인물은 출제자가 임의로 선정한 것으로써 그 어떤 실존 가능한
개인과도 무관함을 아울러 밝히는 바 입니다...