10 Surprisingly easy tactics that might save our brains.

알자이머를 예방하기 위한 10가지 팁

1. Have coffee. In amazing flip-flop, coffee is the new brain tonic.

2. Floss. Oddly, the health of your teeth and gums can help predict dementia.

3.Google.Doing an online search can stimulate your brain even more than reading a book.

4. Grow new brain cells. What works:.Aereobic exercise, strenuous mental activities, eating salmon and other fatty fish, and avoiding obesity, chronic stress, sleep deprivation, heavy drinking and vitamin B deficiency.

5. Drinking apple juice.Apple juice can push production of the "memory chemical".

6.Protect your head from injuries.

7.Meditate. Brain scans show that people who meditate regurarly have less cognitive decline and brain shrinkage as they age.

8.Take D.A severe deficiency of vitamine D boosts older Americans' risk of cognitive impairment 39.4%.

9.Fill your brain with.a rich accumulation of life experiences-education, marriage, socializing, stimulating job, language skills,

   having a purpose in life, physical activity and mental demanding leisure activities.....

10.Avoid infection such as cold sore, gastric ulcers, Lyme disease, pneumonia and the flu

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