The Coded Message


After numerous rounds of "We don't even know if Osama is still alive," Osama himself decided to send George W. Bush a letter in his own  handwriting to let the President know he was still in the game.

Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a single line of coded message:


Bush was baffled, so he e-mailed it to Condi Rice. Condi and her aides had  no clue either, so they sent it to the FBI.

No one could solve it at the FBI so it went to the CIA, then to the NSA.

With no clue as to its meaning they eventually asked Britain's MI-6 for  help. Within a minute MI-6 cabled the White House with this reply "Tell the President he's holding the message upside down."


어제 일하는데 어찌 slow한지 ... 몸을 비비꼬는데 (몇일전에는 빡시게 일했다고 했는데...요)

Azita가 이 얘기를 시작할때  모두들 심각하게 듣다가 나중에 coded message를 써갔고 upside down을 하니까

다들 emoticon하고 다 뒤집어졌답니다.



다 웃으셨읍니까?

그럼 시원한 Santa Barbara의 해변를 한번 보시와요.


Old  Town




음악을 좋아서 길거리에서  자유로이 노래를 ~IMG_3363_1.JPG